Sunday, December 30, 2007

Christmas Eve and other such Tales............

i know it has been a while .......opps
well with christmas finally come and gone and new year's eve aproaching finally some breathing room :-)

kids made out like a bandit at christmas but what did you expect??

it's all about the kids .........always :-D

let's see what did they get ??

Nintedo DS Lite (2) one for each
Wii games
mario galaxy
mario olympics
AMF bowling ( my fav)
winter sports

360 Games
COD4 (second copy)
Scene It: LCA
guitar hero 2
guitar hero 3 with les paul wireless controller

a new drum kit

monoply and life electronic versions ( try cheating with these you pooperheads!)

tons of nerf toys like the crossbow and super shooter (now i feel bad for my cats)

tons of DVD's (HD versions of course)

a new Onkyo 7.1 Reciever (to go with the new HDTV josh got for his birthday)

messanger kits, stereo headphones for the 360 and new controllers ( old ones were dying)

and much more :-)

i got my wife a new deep fryer and she loves it..... i got the comercial version not the crap you find in the stores it holds like 3 gallons of oil and damn it cooks awesome .........

however draining it and filtering it is a pain in the butt along with me having to add a new plug in the kitchen just for it :-(

and even with me being sick i managed to squeeze out CSI: Hard Evidence and start F4: ROTSS and Scene It:LCA ....nice

CSI is now bumping off king kong and tmnt as the worst games i have ever played..........the interface sucked massivly, the graphics were worse than my origional nintendo,and the gameplay can and will actually put you to sleep... still it is a doable 1K and will take between 9 to 12 hours to finish ..............thank god F4 is actually fun because CSI seroiusly almost killed all my movitavtion for playing .............

well that's all for now since i am sick as a dog we will try again later .................

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